ziwa rhino sanctuary

Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary/Ranch

Ziwa Rhino Sauctuary is the proud home of the only Wild Rhinos in Uganda. Conveniently located in Nakasongola District 176km north of Kampala (100 Miles) on the Gulu -Kamapala Highway, it is a must stopover when travelling in Uganda.

Presently the sanctuary is home to 32 White Rhinos in the wild and a popular stop over for tourist for Rhino tracking, Shoe Bill Trek, Canoe Ride, Bird watching, Night walk, Nature walks and relaxation.


Ziwa Rhino saunctuary was established in 2005 to re-introduce southern White Rhinos that had become extinct at the time in Uganda back to their natural environment. Today the sauctuary is a conservation success story with a total number of 32 Rhinos and counting!


was founded on the principle that travel should encourage and promote great understanding of culture and natural resources and that these encounters and experiences will encourage economic growth, development, and sustainability of those areas you travel through. In this way, encouraging every traveler to become agents of global change through conservation efforts. We hope that your safari experience in Uganda will remain with you forever and inspire you to make a difference in the world that we share!

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